The wind caused enormous damage in the territory of the municipality of Rožaje, the Commission's assessment is awaited

As a result of the storm accompanied by strong gusts of wind that hit the municipality of Rožaje last weekend, great material damage was caused.

Strong winds broke trees around local roads, causing short-term traffic disruptions. On the regional road towards Biševo, due to the same phenomenon, vehicles were moving with difficulty.

The Municipal Commission for the Assessment of Damages from Natural Disasters visits the field based on the submitted requests of citizens and determines the situation caused by the several-hour storm in the night between Saturday and Sunday.

According to the president of the Commission, Armin Honsić, the roofs of individual buildings suffered the most. According to him, by the end of the week, the Commission will have the first assessments of the damages and, in accordance with the collected data and authorizations, will act in the direction of their repair.

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