"Sports Day" was held in the hall

Rožaje was rightly the center of youth, joy, sportsmanship and struggle in which all are winners in the end. Namely, in a crowded sports hall, the municipal competition of our primary and secondary schools from the entire area was held in men's and women's volleyball, women's and men's football, where we saw interesting competition and good quality displayed.

At the beginning of the Sports Day, the president of the Rožaja School Sports Association, professor Isko Bećović, thanked all his fellow students and directors of all our schools. The competition was opened by the manager of the Municipality of Rožaje, Elvir Klica, who said that he was very pleased with the large number of participants and that the Municipality will continue to listen to such events. Klica said that he wished the participants a fair and correct fight with the wish that everything would go smoothly.

In the men's volleyball competition, the best high school students were the students of the "30 September" Gymnasium, in the men's volleyball of the Elementary Schools, the students of the Bratstvo i Jedinstvo - Skarepača Primary School performed the best, the "30 September" High School volleyball in the women's competition went to the "30 September" Gymnasium.

In football, the boys up to the fifth grade were the best students of the "25 May" school, in the female competition, the girls of the fifth grade school "Bratstvo i Jedinstvo" Skarepača were the best, the secondary school competition went to the students of the Secondary Vocational School, for ladies of the same age they were better were students of the "30 September" Gymnasium. Among elementary schools, the best girls in soccer were female soccer players from Elementary School "Bratstvo i Jedinstvo" Skarepača, while among elementary school boys, the best were the students of Elementary School "25 Maj". It should be noted that the winners in all categories qualified for the regional competition that will be held in Pljevlja and Bijelo Polje, and the winners will also take part in the national competition in Bar. It is important to say that the competition was excellently organized without a single incident or injury, which additionally sets the tone for the success of the competition.

The sponsor was the Municipality of Rožaje, the technical sponsor was the Rožaje Sports Center.


Written by: Ferid Kujević

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