Meeting with representatives of pensioners

Today, a meeting was held in the organization of the Local Administration of Rožaje and the PIO Fund, where they discussed the current position of pensioners in the municipality of Rožaje, as well as the possibilities of improving their position and status.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the pensioners' association of the municipality of Rožaje, headed by the president Mr. Šaba Nurković.

The pensioners were informed about the current activities that are being undertaken in the field of providing material assistance to the most vulnerable population within it, and they also discussed the topic of continuing activities to solve the housing issue of pensioners who are not taken care of on this basis.

At the meeting, further steps that must be taken on both of these issues were defined, with clear responsibilities and deadlines for solving them.

The total number of pensioners in Rožaje is 2,253, and the total number of beneficiaries of funds from this Fund is 2,416. For this purpose, a total of €455,511.62 is allocated monthly for the municipality of Rožaje from the Fund.

The meeting was attended by the Director of the PIO Fund of Montenegro, Mr. Dušan Perović, and the President of the Municipality, Mr. Nusret Kalač, together with his colleagues.

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