Promotion of Rozajsko zbornik 16-17

Tonight, in the reading room of the National Library of Rožaje, two volumes of the Rožaje collection were presented.

Prof. spoke about the Proceedings. Mirsada Šabotić, prof. Dr. Draško Došljak and Assoc. Dr. Esko Kalač. The opening speech was given by prof. Halil Markišić, editor-in-chief of Rožajsko Zbornik.

Excerpts from this issue were read by Gordana Ganić, and the mediator of the promotion was prof. Edin Kalac.

The program was attended by Saida Skenderi and Erhan Luboder, who entertained the audience with their beautiful voice and guitar tones.

The September Days of Culture and Sports 2013 are organized by the Rožaje Culture Center under the auspices of the Rožaje Municipality.

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