Municipal President Ejup Nurković hosted the humanist Hido Muratović

Today, the proven humanist Hido Muratović visited the Municipality of Rožaje, and he introduced the President, Mr. Ejup Nurković, to his work and the humanitarian actions he carries out in the area of Sandžak.
The President of the Municipality expressed his satisfaction and promised that the local administration will help the activities carried out by Muratović's Humanitarian Organization. Among other things, a humanitarian action is underway to help the family of Rifat Murić (Mume), who lives on the edge of existence without any financial income. The house, which is in a dilapidated state, is the only home of this family.
Muratović, in the coordination of the great humanist Jusuf-Jusko Ćatović, initiated the action of building a house for this family, and an adequate location is currently being sought, and Local Use, led by the President of the Municipality, Mr. Ejup Nurković, who is familiar with this case as well as many others, will help in this. similar cases in our municipality.
The local administration is doing everything in its power to systematically solve the most difficult social cases, but that job is not at all easy, emphasized President Nurković in the conversation with Muratović, and expressed his exceptional gratitude for the dedication and sincere intention to help, in cooperation with the Lolak administration, to provide a roof over the head for this family. 
Photo: Center for Information Systems
Written by: Mirza Luboder

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