Decisions adopted at the IV regular session

The Assembly of the Municipality of Rožaje at the IV regular session held on October 30, 2014. and at the continuation of the IV regular session held on November 3, 2014. made the following decisions:

1. The decision and earnings of local employees
2. Decision on giving the location of public parking lots
3. Decision on the appointment of the director of DOO Komunalno
4. Decision on the appointment of the director of DOO Sports Center
5. Decision on the construction of local facilities
6. Decision on municipal road standards
7. Decision on organizing the Center for Culture
8. Decision on setting up auxiliary facilities
9. Decision on setting up temporary facilities
10. Decision on installation of ramps, elevators, etc.
11. Decision on Confirmation of Decision Vodovod
12. Decision on the adoption of the National Library's Staut
13. Decision for administrative fee
14. Decision-Council of Radio Rožaje
15. Decisions on appointment and dismissal

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