Committee question of Nusret Kalač at the 5th regular session of the SO Rožaje

At the 5th regular session of the SO Rožaje, held on December 10, 2014, in accordance with the Statute and Art. 66 and 67 of the Rules of Procedure of the SO Rožaje, DPS councilor Mr. Nusret Kalač asked a committee question which reads:

  1.  I am in possession of information that these days the rehabilitation of local rural roads is being carried out in several local communities, which companies are carrying out the works and on what basis, and whether a tender was called for the execution of the same, considering that this is a legal obligation, considering the value of the work.

You can see the answer to the question:answer-from-the-5th-session-to the councilor-Nusret-Kalač

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