After a 13-year break, the ski center Hajla na Turjak is working again this season

"This year, after the first sufficient amount of snow falls, we will officially open this ski center," said the manager of the Hajla ski center, Dženis Nurković.

In the reconstruction of the ski resort, the Municipality that manages the ski resort, with the help of the Government, invested about 400,000 euros.

"The complete reconstruction of track one and track two was done, the parking area was done, a certain number of skis and boards and a restaurant were provided, so we tried to include everything that a ski resort should contain in this story," Nurković added. .

"The price of ski dogs for adults will be 6 euros with free parking and the price of ski dogs for children under 15 will be 4 euros," said Nurković.

Guests are also waiting for them at the Tourist Organization of that city.

They claim that with 400 registered beds, they will have no problem accommodating the tourists who come.

In addition to skiing, they also have other facilities.

About 4,000 euros were spent on the purchase of snowshoes, but that's not all.

"A 9km trail has been completed in Carine-Gropa, so a circular tour of 18km. It will be something new", said the director of TO Rožaje, Amel Dedejić.

Expectations that Rožaje will return to the tourist map of Montenegro could only be spoiled by the lack of snow.

Which, admittedly, is still the problem of all winter tourist centers in Montenegro.


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