The final manifestation of the "month of the Prophet Muhammad saws"

Last night in Rožaje, organized by the Mosque of the Islamic Community in Montenegro, the final manifestation "the month of the Prophet Muhammad saws" was organized

The event was attended by representatives of the cultural and public life of Montenegro, diplomatic representatives, and Madrasa professors.

Members of the city choir "Ilham" and the Madrasa choir "Mehmed Fatih" and Esad Merulić gave the event a special charm.

In front of the organizers, the Chief Imam Rejhan ef addressed the gathering. Hot, who stunned those present.

In addition to the Chief Imam, Reis Rifat ef. Fejzić also thanked those present, especially the Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro Rafet Husović, Minister in the Government of Montenegro Suad Numanović, Advisor to the President of Montenegro Amer Halilović, Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Sulj Mustafić, Director of the Turkish Development Agency TIKA Mustafa Yazić, Members of the Parliament of Montenegro , to the President of the Municipality of Rožaje Ejup Nurković and all the present Presidents of the Municipalities, to the President of the Municipal Assembly of the Municipality of Rožaje Husein Kurtagić as well as the present presidents of other local Assemblies and all believers who had the opportunity to enter the large hall of the Cultural Center in Rožajbut.

At the very beginning, he apologized to those who could not attend the event and promised them that the next event would be organized in the sports center on Banžovo Brdo.

Another very important piece of information, related to the story circulating that the women's Madrasah in Rožaje will be closed, Reis ef. explained that they have two newspapers, the first: that education in the Madrasa will be free and the second: that instead of the Mosque of the Islamic Community in Serbia, the Mosque of the Islamic Community in Montenegro will be written on the diploma.

Finally, Reis ef. Fejzić awarded a certificate of appreciation to the Director of TIKE for his daily assistance to the Islamic community.

Written by: Rahman Škrijelj / Photo: Edip Hadžimuhović

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