On March 25, 2013, the XVII regular session of the SO Rožaje was held. The following agenda items were discussed at the session:

1. Consideration of the proposal of the Report on the work of the President of the Municipality;
2. Consideration and adoption of the proposal for the Decision on granting consent to the loan of JP "Vodovod i kanalizija";
3. Consideration and adoption of the proposal for a Decision on providing a guarantee for the loan of JP "Vodovod i kanalizija";

On all points of discussion, the proposal of the Report on the work of the President of the Municipality was adopted by the majority of the present councilors, while the councilors unanimously adopted the Decision on giving consent to the loan of JP "Vodovod i kanalizija" and the Decision on providing a guarantee for the loan of JP "Vodovod i sewers".

(Work Report)

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