Today, the 15th regular session of the SO Rožaje was held, and the following agenda was discussed at it:

1. Report of the Municipal Electoral Commission on the filling of councilor positions;
2. Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on the Budget of the Municipality of Rožaje for 2013;
3. Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on the adoption of the Investment Program for 2013;

Before the beginning of the session, the councilors of BS and SDP left it, because their proposal not to consider another item on the agenda, which is allegedly not based on the Law, was not considered at the session. Despite the statement of the President of the Municipality of Rožaje that the Decision on the Budget is exclusively based and prepared on the valid legal regulation.

By the way, during the determination of the agenda at the consultations with the president of the SO in preparation for the XV regular session, the established points of the agenda were supported by all councilor clubs, so the opposition leaving the session was an additional surprise for us.

After the adopted agenda, all Decisions that were the subject of discussion at the session were adopted by the required majority and they will produce legal effect for the period for which they were adopted.

For the record, the total projected Budget for 2013 was adopted in the amount of 4,660,000 euros, of which 3,369,904.08 euros are funds planned for the Current Budget, while 1,290,095.92 euros are planned to be gut it out.

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