Velija Murić: Don't connect your words with politics

The problem of Vasov's waters and the location for garbage disposal was previously determined by the current government in Berane, so that location is not a DPS-SDP product, and it would be good if life problems of this kind are not linked to politics because all citizens are equal, according to the executive Director of the Montenegrin Committee of Lawyers for the Protection of Human Rights, Velija Murić.

According to him, he reacted to the announcement of the NGO OZON, from which it was previously said that the latest developments regarding the selection of a location for a temporary waste disposal site in Berane, i.e. the interference of the local administration of the municipality of Rožaje in the internal affairs of the municipality of Berane, are another attempt to manipulate the public behind which the distinctive handwriting of an interest group that is guided exclusively by personal and party interests.

"I hope that OZON looks at all environmental problems in Montenegro with equal attention, and I emphasize that Rožaje, like Berane, is Montenegrin, and that the problem of waste disposal is all-Montenegrin. In the same way, if you make sure that the location where the landfill is to be formed is planned as the epicenter of the Rožaj and Beran tourism industry, that there are ski-lifts, weekend cottages, and springs within a hundred meters, that tourist facilities are located on the nearest stretch. motel "Turjak" and restaurant Košuta, that the location itself has a natural source of the river that flows into the Ibar river at the entrance to Rožaje, or even better that there is a populated place with several residential buildings immediately below the location, you will be convinced that in this case, we are talking about locating the landfill practically (although for now the location is in Beran) in someone else's yard, because the consequences affect someone else, not Beran", concludes Murić.

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