Tonight, a mosquito spraying campaign is being carried out on the territory of the Municipality of Rožaje in order to prevent infectious diseases

Sekretarijat za planiranje, uređenje prostora i zaštitu životne sredine, Opštine Rožaje kao odgovorno lice, obezbijedio je sprovođenje preventivne dezinfekcije – tretman uništavanja komaraca, kako larvi tako i odraslih formi na područiju grada, kao jednu od opštih mjera prevencije u cilju sprečavanja suzbijanja zaraznih bolesti, te stoga obavještavamo građane, a posebno pčelare, da će se dana 29.08.2018. godine, u večernjim satima vršiti zaprašivanje komaraca na teritoriji opštine Rožaje. Takođe ističemo da zaprašivanje komaraca nema efekta kada temperatura padne ispod 19 C0 and over 30 C0 , so in case of bad weather, the action is postponed, and the next date will be announced later.

The action will be carried out with a preparation based on deltamethrin ew 20 formulation, which uses water as a solvent and therefore does not pollute the environment. The application of the preparation is carried out using a device of the type "IGEBA U15 HDM" from a vehicle that produces and distributes a drop size of 50-75 microns. The specified drop size penetrates the cuticle of the adult form of the mosquito and only this drop size is lethal to mosquitoes. The deltamethrin-based preparation is formed from encapsulated droplets and dissolves in water, and with proper application, a distribution of 1.5 million active particles is ensured in each cubic meter of air in the treated area.

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