Beautify the city

Volunteers of the non-governmental organization "Moje Rožaje" in cooperation with the municipality of Rožaje successfully implemented the campaign "Let's beautify our city".

In addition to those mentioned, the action was supported by: Municipal and Protection Service.

30.08.2014. year, volunteers visited the planned places for the implementation of the action, so they collected and removed 34 bags of various waste (plastic, glass, textile, rubber, nylon) with a capacity of 120 liters from the bed of the Ibar river in the first part, from the yard of O.Š. "The 25th maj" 28 bags, they cleaned the "Mustafa Pećanin" school yard with 14 bags, while they needed 12 bags for the school center yard.

In the afternoon, volunteers went around the footpaths, from which they removed 8 bags of non-degradable waste.

The utility company activated complete machinery, thus the bed of the river Ibar got a more beautiful appearance, which it deserves.

31.08.2014. year, the action continued with an even stronger composition, the Protection Service joined the action, which included all the machinery, so that with the help of volunteers, they washed the schoolyards, the "Colorado" staircase, and the underpass and staircase at the "Dom zdravlja".

Together with the volunteers, the mayor of the municipality Ejup Nurković participated in the arrangement of the city. He said that Rožaje is full of garbage that irresponsible and unscrupulous citizens dumped in riverbeds, next to footpaths and in schoolyards.

In this way, we want to send a message to the citizens that they should use the designated places for garbage disposal and that they should not pollute the living space because such actions leave a bad image of the city - said Nurković.

Collected waste is taken away by the machinery of the Municipal Enterprise.

"We hope that the action bore fruit and that we made at least 50 fellow citizens aware of the importance of environmental protection by our example. The president of the NGO "Moje Rožaje" Rahman Škrijelj told us that he is announcing the next planned project, which is related to education about the environment, the fight for: clean air, land and water".

media team.

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