The Ambassador of Germany to Montenegro stayed in Rožaje

  Germany will not grant asylum to citizens of Montenegro


The Ambassador of Germany in Montenegro, Gudrun Elizabeth Steinaker, expressed concern today in Rožaje, due to the large number of refugees from the north of our country, who requested asylum in her homeland. She said that none of those who sought asylum would remain in Germany.

"There is no chance that any of these people will get asylum, because it is pointless for someone from a country that is in negotiations for EU membership, and maybe already in the fall to receive an invitation for NATO membership, which we hope, to ask for asylum. It is not good that some families take their children with them, and it is especially irresponsible that they take children who attend school with them, because education is a prerequisite for a better life"- said Steinaker, who appealed to citizens not to travel to Germany.

"A number of citizens from the north of Montenegro have requested asylum in Germany completely illegally, because asylum is only for people who are threatened by war or the political situation. Montenegro does not have such problems, so these so-called "asylum seekers" will not get the right to asylum in Germany. I think that people from Montenegro come to Germany only to receive social assistance in a few months, and that is an abuse of the asylum status. In principle, anyone can get a job in Germany legally through a visa. However, it is not possible for all Montenegrins who come to Germany to get a job, because they have competition from citizens from the EU, who are also poor, and that is why it is very difficult for Montenegrins, Serbs, Bosniaks, Albanians and those from Kosovo to find a legal job ins" – said Steinaker, underlining that the solution is not for people to go to Germany seeking illegal asylum. "It damages the reputation of Montenegro and your municipality. You have to explain to people not to go on adventures, because everyone will have to go back "- said Štajnaker, emphasizing that in the conversation with the President of the Municipality, Ejup Nurković, she discussed finding a solution to secure the future of unemployed citizens.

"I cannot promise that investors from Germany will come to you, because you have strong competition from countries in the region. I consider it a good idea to mobilize your diaspora in Germany, but it is even more important that together the local authorities in cooperation with the Government develop some strategic plan for investments and in this way try to solve the standard of living of the citizens," said Steinaker.

Nurković said that he agreed with Štajnaker that the Municipality and the Government must work to reduce emigration to a minimum.

- We hereby invite citizens not to go to Germany, but to stay in their homes. The government must help citizens through some subsidies to start producing in agriculture and handicrafts. We agreed that we will try to achieve cooperation through the Chambers of Commerce of Montenegro and Serbia. We have a lot of facilities that could be used to open new plants without much investment. We received a suggestion from the ambassador to encourage our diaspora to invest in this area in order to help the development of the north - said Nurković.


                                                                                        F. Kalić



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