"Memory of Mula Jakup-ef. Kardović"

Bosniak cultural community in Montenegro and the Mufti of Sandžačko, 02.06.2013. year, after the held scientific meeting, in the Great Hall of the Cultural Center in Rožaje, they organized a religious and cultural event "Remembrance of Mula Jakup-ef. Kardović - Gazi Sandžak".

The organizing committee consisted of hfz. Abdurrahman-ef. Kujevića, Besim Agić, Selver Kardović, Ali Daci, Hazbija Kalač, Muhamed Bučan, Eldar Lakota, Saud Šabović, Arben Jakupi and the family of the late Mula Jakupa-ef. Kardović.

In addition to the family, the meeting was attended by numerous distinguished residents of Rožaj, representatives of the political, cultural and public life of Rožaj and its surroundings, scientists, fans of the life and works of Mulo Jakup, and many others.

The president of the municipality, Nusret Kalač, greeted those present on behalf of the local administration and personally, and Rifo and Rešad Kardović, grandsons of Mula Jakupa-ef, spoke on behalf of the family. Kardović.

Besim Agić recorded and read at the meeting, the biography of the gazija and the martyr, and on behalf of the thirteen referees of the scientific meeting about Mula Jakup, the historian at the archive in Novi Pazar, assistant. Ph.D. Hivzo Gološ, who read the conclusions reached.

Mufti Muamer-ef spoke on behalf of the Muftiship of Sandzak. Zukorlić.

At the end, an insert from the unfinished documentary film about Mula Jakup Kardović, authored by Eldar Lakota, was shown.

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