Working meeting with the "Višegrad" group

    Within the framework of the Visegrad Group (V4), which consists of the following countries: Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary, the implementation of the project has begun, which relates to the cooperation of the ski club "Hajla" from Rožaj, the Sports Association "Mari Magnat" from Pec and partner organizations from the EU "MESA/10".

      The representatives of this project from Slovakia, Lucia Klapalova, Eliška Slavikova and Patrik Kolestar, as well as the representatives of the ski club "Hajla" from Rožaj, Fevzija Kurtagić and Semir Kardović, stayed on 22 October 2014. in a working visit to the president of the municipality, Mr. Ejup Nurković.

       The goal of this project is the construction of a hiking-biking trail with all the accompanying content on the mountain "Hajla", and it will connect a similar trail in the territory of the Republic of Kosovo.

      The value of the approved project for all three partners is €55,000.00. The president supported the project and they agreed on further cooperation within the "V4" group.


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