Representatives of the SO Rožaje paid tribute to the kidnapped victims at the station in Štrpci

President of the Assembly Almir Avdic and councilwoman Mubera Fetahović they paid tribute to the innocent passengers killed in the terrible crime from train 671, which was traveling on the Belgrade-Bar route at the Štrpci station.

State and local representatives, citizens and families of the victims were present. The 29th anniversary of the victims was marked today, February 27, 1993. years.

It was announced at the meeting that even after almost three decades since the crime in Štrpci, the story has still not received a judicial epilogue, and families are still searching for the remains of their loved ones.

Celebrating this day awakens the memory of the terrible crime in Štrpci and shares the pain and sorrow with the families of those killed.

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