The President of the SO Rožaje, Almir Avdić, spoke with Enver Resulogullari, coordinator of TIKE

The President of the Rožaje Municipality Assembly, Almir Avdić, paid an official visit to the Turkish Agency for International Cooperation and Coordination (TIKA) in Podgorica on November 21.

On this occasion, Avdić spoke with the co-ordinator of TIKA for Montenegro, Enver Resulogulari. The main goal of the meeting was to further establish the cooperation between this agency and the municipality of Rožaje and to consider the possibilities of new investments in projects whose realization would serve the multiple interests of the citizens of Rožaje and the north of the country.

During the meeting, Avdić acknowledged the dedicated work for which TIKA was recognized in Montenegro, with reference to the projects it implemented in the territory of the municipality of Rožaje, which relate to the adaptation of various forms of infrastructure, as well as to numerous programs that contributed to cultural rapprochement and additional improvement. traditionally good connections between Rožaj and numerous cities and municipalities in Turkey.

Satisfied with the conclusions of the conversation, Mr. Resulogulari expressed his desire for new business meetings with the representatives of the municipality of Rožaje and announced more intensive cooperation in the coming period, the fruits of which, as said, will soon be visible to the citizens.



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