The president of the municipality visited the areas affected by the flood

The president of the municipality of Rožaje, Mr. Ejup Nurković, visited today the settlements and local communities where, as a result of yesterday's heavy rains, great material damage was caused to the infrastructure.
In the conversation with the citizens, he became more familiar with the situation on the ground and said that the local administration services, in coordination with each other, will make maximum efforts to repair the damages and consequences as soon as possible.
In addition to the damaged road infrastructure, some private and business buildings were also flooded because the owners failed to cope with the sudden, intensely heavy rainstorm.
JKP Rožaje is intensively working on removing sand drifts from public roads and repairing other damages caused by yesterday's storm.
The commander of the Rožaj Protection and Rescue Service, Nuradin Agović, said that both services had a total of 10 interventions and that apart from material damage, there were no casualties.
Written by: Mirza Luboder

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