President Husović: Remove barriers that hinder the mobility of people with disabilities

The President of the Municipality of Rožaje Rahman Husović spoke today with the representatives of the Association of Paraplegics, Jasminko Nokić and Fahrudin Tahirović, about the problems faced by people with disabilities during the process of integration into the social system.
During the meeting, challenges from that area at the local level were identified and future actions to overcome them were proposed. It was pointed out that the parking spaces intended for persons with disabilities, of which there are currently two, are not marked with adequate horizontal and vertical signage, which is the cause of their improper use by citizens who do not have permission to do so.

President Husović showed openness to solving this issue and said that the local self-government, from the perspective of its competences and in accordance with modern standards, will start removing architectural and other barriers that hinder the mobility of members of that population.
The President of the Municipality also announced talks with employers and representatives of institutions on the topic of employment of persons with disabilities, taking into account all the benefits that the State offers in that field.
Each individual and community is obliged to provide full support to persons with disabilities on the way to achieving a high-quality level of social inclusion and to continuously improve the conditions for their work and life engagement through joint action, it was concluded during the conversation.

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