Agreement on Cooperation between the Municipality of Rožaje and the Municipality of Lenart (Slovenia) signed

In Rožaje today, June 3, 2015, the Agreement on Cooperation between the Municipality of Rožaje and the Municipality of Lenart was signed, the signatories of which were the presidents of these municipalities, Ejup Nurković and Janez Kramberger.

The initiative for the twinning of these municipalities was submitted after several completed joint projects that were submitted to European funds, and their evaluation and possible implementation is expected in the coming period. The signing ceremony was attended by the delegation of the Municipality of Lenart, deputy mayor Franc Ornik, Svetlana Bogojević, council member and director of the LLC. Bioenergy, officials and employees of the Municipality of Rožaje, as well as the media.

The delegation of Lenart Municipality will visit the facilities of Rožaje municipality in a two-day visit, and in a series of prepared meetings, they will present to the administration of Rožaje Municipality opportunities for applying for projects with European funds, which are provided by the European Union for countries that want to be part of the EU. The President of the Municipality of Rožaje, Ejup Nurković, told the audience that the experiences of the future sister municipality, Lenart, are of great importance for defining the development strategy of the Municipality of Rožaje, because they will follow the good practice established by the local administration there, and that he is very pleased with future closer cooperation and friendship. with the former SFRY republic, Slovenia. The focus of the future joint projects of these two municipalities will be the development of tourism and agriculture, bioenergy, wastewater treatment and the use of landfill waste for electricity generation, strengthening the capacity of local governments, drinking water purification and environmental protection.


Mirela Avdic

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