Visit of the chargé d'affaires of the Czech Embassy to the municipality of Rožaje

Today, the charge d'affaires of the Czech Embassy in Montenegro, Mr. Petar Šmejkal, visited the President of the Municipality of Rožaje. The President of the Municipality, Mr. Nusret Kalač, informed Mr. Šmejkal about the situation in the Municipality of Rožaje, the possibilities and directions of development of this area, and they also discussed future forms of cooperation.

Mr. Šmejkal then visited Elementary School "Brotherhood and Unity" in Skarapacá and awarded two of our students, Kalač Amra and Kalač Almedina, who are prize winners at the art exhibition held in Lidice in the Czech Republic.

That this is no small success is shown by the fact that students from over 50 countries participate in this international competition with nearly 20,000 works of art.


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