The investment plan for 2020 in Rožaje is more than 40 million euros

The public hearing on the Draft Program of Investment Activities of the Municipality of Rožaje for 2020 was an opportunity for citizens to familiarize themselves with the most significant investment activities that the local government plans to implement in the current year. But this public discussion also showed that citizens are not interested in participating in this way in creating and making decisions of general interest. The plan is quite ambitious and amounts to 40,278,290 euros. From the capital budget of the municipality of Rožaje for this year, it is planned that 1,026,000 will be allocated for investments. euros, while the rest will be allocated by the Government of Montenegro and relevant ministries. 
The draft program of investment activities of the municipality of Rožaje for 2020 was presented by representatives of the Secretariat for Planning, Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection. The secretary of this Secretariat, Rusmir Đuđević, told RTR what are the most significant investments that will be realized in the municipality of Rožaje during 2020.

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