A collegium was held with representatives of councilor clubs

On December 7, 2021, the President of the Assembly, Almir Avdić, held a collegium with representatives of councilor clubs to agree on scheduling the 24th regular session of the Rožaje Municipality Assembly.

The session is scheduled for December 23, 2021, starting at 11:00 a.m. in the small hall of the Cultural Center (reading room of the National Library).

The collegium adopted 13 agenda items that will be discussed at the scheduled session, namely:

  1. Report on the filling of vacant councilor positions in the Rožaje Municipality Assembly;
  2. Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on the Budget of the Municipality of Rožaje for 2022;
  3. Consideration and adoption of the proposal of the Decision on establishing acoustic zones in the territory of the municipality of Rožaje;
  4. Consideration and adoption of the proposal of the Decision on granting consent on establishing the right of actual service in favor of DOO "Crnogorski-elektrodistributivni sistem" Podgorica;
  5. Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on local communities;
  6. Consideration and adoption of the proposal of the Decision on the confirmation of the Decision on the formation of the commission for awarding the title "Honorary Citizen of Rožaj;
  7. Consideration and adoption of the proposal for the Decision on confirmation of the Decision on awarding the title "Honorary Citizen of Rožaja", number 01-018/21-2068 dated September 29, 2021;
  8. Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on the appointment of a member of the Rožaje Municipal Election Commission in the permanent composition;
  9. Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on the dismissal of the deputy member of the Rožaje Municipal Election Commission in the permanent composition;
  10. Consideration and adoption of the proposal for the Decision on the dismissal of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of LLC "Agency for Design and Development" Rožaje;
  11. Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on the dismissal of the President of the Committee for International, Inter-Municipal Cooperation and European Integration;
  12. Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on the dismissal of a member of the Environmental Protection Council;
  13. Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on the dismissal of a member of the Environmental Protection Council.

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