Citizens and sports teams from the territory of the municipality of Rožaje are informed that the municipality of Rožaje will award annual awards in the field of sports for 2015. Awards are given in the following categories: best sportsman, best sportswoman, best sports team and best coach of the year.

Sportsmen, sportsmen, sports teams and coaches, whose seat is in the territory of the municipality of Rožaje and who achieved notable results in 2015, can be nominated for recognition.

A proposal for an award can be submitted by a sports organization or a group of citizens. The application is submitted in a sealed envelope through the office of the Municipality of Rožaje addressed to the Secretariat for Culture, Social Activities and Sports of the Municipality of Rožaje with the indication: Proposal for awarding an award for sports achievements in 2015.

The deadline for submitting the application is December 29, 2015.


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