The local self-government harmonized the fiscal policy with the new situation

Municipality of Rožaje

Based on the measures adopted by the Government of Montenegro to reduce the negative effects of the corona virus epidemic, Municipality of Rožaje obligates local self-government bodies as well as institutions, companies and agencies of which it is the founder to carry out a responsible fiscal policy with the aim of harmonizing expenditures with available revenues and assessing the effect of the current situation on the parameters of public finances, it is stated in the Decision signed by him President Rahman Husović.

President Rahman Husović

By the same decision, the payment of the variable part of the salary, compensation for work in commissions, administrative boards and other work bodies is prohibited for a period of 90 days.
Public officials were recommended to make a donation in the amount of 50% of one month's salary to the account National Coordinating Body for infectious diseases.

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