Public call for submission of proposals, individuals or clubs, for the award for achieved sports results in 2013.

Citizens of the municipality of Rožaje are hereby informed that until 25.12.2013. can nominate individuals and clubs for the award for sports results achieved in 2013. The committee for awarding awards for sports achievements in 2013, formed by the President of the Municipality, will award awards for: scientific contribution in sports, the most promising competitor; the most promising athlete; the best coach; the best sports team and the best athlete in 2013.
The criteria for selection are the results achieved in the official:
- state,
– regional and
- international competitions, individually or in collective sports or as a member of the Montenegrin national team.
Only results achieved in 2013 will be considered.
Along with the application, submit documentation that confirms the results achieved.
Untimely and incomplete documentation will not be considered.
Athletes residing in the municipality of Rožaje have the right to participate.

Applications are submitted on the form attached to this notice by mail to the address: Municipality of Rožaje, UL.M. Tita bb Rožaje or directly at the counter of the Civic Bureau of the municipality of Rožaje, with an indication for the Commission for the awarding of awards for achievements in sports for 2013.

Commission for awarding awards for achievements in sports for 2013.

You can download here    Form

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