Public invitation to nominate candidates for members of the Ethics Committee

 Number: 02-016/21-128 Rožaje, May 25, 2021. years

Based on articles 14, 15 and 16 of the Decision on the Ethics Commission for elected representatives and officials ("Official Gazette of Montenegro - municipal regulations", no. 9/11), the Selection and Appointments Committee of the Rožaje Municipality Assembly, directs

for proposing candidates for members of the Ethics Commission for elected representatives and officials

1. The right to nominate candidates belongs to: a citizen, a group of citizens, educational, scientific and professional institutions, institutions from the fields of culture, media, sports and non-governmental organizations.

Authorized proposers can propose a maximum of one candidate each.

2. A person may be elected as a member of the Ethics Committee who:

- possesses high ethical values and enjoys reputation and respect in his environment;

- resides in the territory of the Municipality of Rožaje.

3. A person cannot be elected as a member of the Ethics Committee who:

- an elected representative or official, in terms of the provisions of the Code of Ethics;

- official or member of political party bodies (party president, members of the presidency, their deputies, members of the executive and main committees, as well as other party officials);

- legally convicted of a criminal offense that makes him ineligible for membership in the Ethics Commission.   

4. The authorized proposer, along with the proposal, must submit: the name and surname of the candidate, other personal data, data on residence, a short biography and an explanation of the proposal.

The authorized proposer, together with the proposal, also submits: - a signed statement by the candidate that he meets the requirements for a member of the Ethics Commission, in the sense of point 3 of this invitation; - proof of the candidate's residence; - a signed statement by the candidate that he accepts the candidacy.

5. The deadline for proposing candidates is 30 days from the date of publication of the Public Call.

6. Proposals for candidates for members of the Ethics Commission are submitted to the Committee for Selection and Appointment of the Rožaje Municipal Assembly, through the Rožaje Municipality Affairs Service, at the address Maršala Tito no. 1, Municipality of Rožaje.

​This Public Call will be published in the daily newspaper "Pobjeda", through the local public broadcaster "Radio Televizija Rožaje" and on the website of the municipality of Rožaje.

The form and declaration will be published by the local public broadcaster "Radio televizija Rožaje" and on the website of the municipality of Rožaje


Dr. Cena Kajević

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