Exhibition of photographs by Ahmet Ademagić "The birth of my childhood"

As part of the Rožaj Cultural Summer Event, an exhibition of photographs by Ahmet Ademagić "Rožajje mog detinjstva" was opened tonight.

The exhibition was opened by publicist Salko Luboder.

The exhibition includes over a hundred artistic and documentary photographs, panoramas, portraits, architecture and details of old Rožaj. The exhibition will last until June 19, 2013, and will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

As part of Ahmet Ademagić's photography exhibition "The Flowers of My Childhood", the Women's Singing Group of the Center for Culture presented itself for the first time.

A women's singing group recently started its work. In their repertoire, they will have original folk songs from the Rožaj region, as well as old town songs and sevdalinka.

The female singing group of the Center for Culture consists of: Ćama Murić, Safeta Kurtagić, Esadija Dedeić, Lejla Fetahović, Melisa Kurtagić, Dzeneta Murić and Azra Dedeić.

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