Farewell to Tarik Hadžić at the ZOI in Sochi

The local administration of Rožaje and Ski Club "Rožaje" organized a special cocktail on the occasion of Tarik Hadžić's farewell to the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.

On this occasion, the president of the club, Dr. Metko Kurpejović, one of Tarik's coaches, Mr. Rešad Karodović, and the President of the Municipality, Mr. Nusret Kalač, spoke.

"You are already a winner for us" said, among other things, the President of the Municipality, Mr. Nusret Kalač, who, on behalf of the local administration, presented Tarik with a monetary award for the achieved results and a trip to Sochi.

Our champion Tarik Hadžić also addressed the audience, who thanked for the support and said "I will do my best to present my country, Montenegro and my city Rožaje in the best light".

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