III regular session of the Assembly of the Municipality of Rožaje

Based on Article 71 of the Rules of Procedure of the Rožaje Municipality Assembly


III (third) regular session to be held on August 19, 2014. year, (Tuesday) starting at 11:00 a.m. in the hall of the Cultural Center (library).

I suggest the following for the session:


1. Consideration and adoption of the proposal of the Decision on giving consent to the Decision on the appointment of the Vice President of the municipality;
2. Consideration and adoption of the proposal of the Decision on giving consent to the Decision on the appointment of the Vice President of the municipality;
3. Consideration and adoption of the proposal of the Decision on approving the Statute of the Limited Liability Company "Water and Sewerage";
4. Consideration and adoption of the proposal of the Decision on giving consent to the Statute of the Limited Liability Company "Communal";
5. Consideration and adoption of the proposal of the Decision on giving consent to the Statute of the Limited Liability Company Sports Center;
6. Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on public parking lots

Number: 2329
Rožaje, 07.08.2014. year


President of the Assembly,
Husein Kurtagić, prof. sr

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