Decision on the allocation of funds from the Budget of the Municipality of Rožaje for 2016 earmarked for the projects of non-governmental organizations

Based on the Ordinance on the criteria, method and procedure for the distribution of funds to non-governmental organizations ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" - municipal regulations, no. 14/2015) and public tender no. 45 published on 06.02.2016 in the daily newspaper Pobjeda, the website of the Municipality of Rožaje, the notice board of the Municipality of Rožaje and the public media service - Radio Rožaje, the Commission for the distribution of funds for projects of non-governmental organizations at the session held on 17.03.2016, passed:


On the allocation of funds from the Budget of the Municipality of Rožaje for 2016 earmarked for the projects of non-governmental organizations

You can download the decision here: Decision on allocation of NGO funds for projects in 2016

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